Why We’re Like Lighthouses for Each Other’s Mental Health

Future's Bright Collective
2 min readDec 14, 2023


Introduction: Hey everyone! I’ve been thinking a lot about how we’re all navigating this often stormy sea of life, especially when it comes to our mental health. It got me looking at this beautiful lighthouse illustration and realizing — aren’t we all kind of like lighthouses for each other? So, I want to chat about that — about us, our mental health, and how we can be beacons of hope and support.

The Struggle is Real: Let’s face it, life can be tough. Mental health isn’t just a buzzword; it’s something we all juggle with, some days more than others. While it’s easy to feel isolated, especially when times get tough, I think it’s crucial to remember that we’re not alone in this.

Community Vibes: Here’s the thing — we’re all part of a community, whether we realize it or not. And just like a crew helps steer a ship to safety, our community can help guide us through rough mental waters. I’ve seen it happen. Friends, family, even kind strangers — their support can make a world of difference.

Little Things Matter: You know what? Sometimes, it’s the smallest actions that count the most. A smile, a compliment, a listening ear — they might seem tiny, but they can light up someone’s day. I believe in the power of these small gestures to create big ripples of positivity.

Lighthouse Vibes: Back to our lighthouse — standing tall, shining its light across the waves. It’s more than just a structure; it’s a symbol of guidance, hope, and safety. That’s what we can be for each other. In Victoria, this lighthouse isn’t just a landmark; it’s a reminder that we all have the power to guide and uplift.

Wrapping It Up: So, here’s my takeaway: let’s be lighthouses for each other. In big ways and small ways, let’s light up the path for those navigating rough seas. And remember, it’s okay to seek light when you need it too. Let’s keep the conversation going — mental health matters, and so do you. #TheFuturesBright

Extra Bits: I’m dropping in that lighthouse illustration I mentioned — it’s a beaut and drives the point home. Also, if you’re looking for more info or need a bit of help, I’ve got some links down here. Check them out.

Sooke Shelter Society
Pathways Victoria
Crisis Centre

